Sunday 30 December 2012

I dreamt up secret methods to preseve Elites in Animal Farm's Management.

Dreamt Up Methods of Dynastic Preservation in Animal Farm
I dreamt that all Pigs must die including myself. The dream was fantastic because it showed me how to ensure that my family of sired white pigs can continue to rule animal farm long after I have departed from the farm.
Here are the methods that I learnt from the dream.
1)      Cultivating Sired White Pigs and other Chosen White Pigs
If you want to educate your sired white pigs, at the expense of the State of Animal Farm, create a special scholarship e.g. Special Animal Farm Scholarship (which you can nickname the SAF Scholarship). When you award this to your chosen sired white pig, make sure you give it to several others to prevent accusations of corruption and favoritism.
This newly created scholarship should be maintained into the future to be used to cultivate the chosen white pigs who are going to serve faithfully under your chosen sired white pig. The cost will be borne by Animal Farm. These scholar white pigs will be bonded and, by the time they have served out their bonds, they will be so stuck into these “careers” that they have to toe the line.
2)      Fast Tracking Scholar White Pigs
Once these scholars enter the armed forces after getting their SAF Scholarship, we will fast track them through the Armed Forces (including their period of National Service) of the Animal Farm. They will learn about the unbending methods of ruling Animal Farm. Strict Discipline, unbending authority and rule by STRICT LAW and Order and how to mobilize animals under them based on BIG AND SMALL. No Bo Tua Bo Sue will be tolerated. Despite their tender young age, they will learn fast and quick that POWER IS BEHIND THE BARREL OF A GUN.
Once we have promoted these scholar white pigs way beyond their real capability, they will have nowhere to go and will continue to serve your sired white pigs faithfully and dutifully. 
3)      Moving Chosen Sired White Pig into Government
Before you move your chosen sired white pig into government, fast track him through the Animal Farm forces quickly and it’s a simple stepped process.
a.       Because your chosen sired white pig is in the FIRST BATCH OF SPECIAL ANIMAL FARM SCHOLARS, the first step is to triple promote all of them after a short period of training including the period of their national service.
b.      Secondly, from this batch, you then promote 30 per cent faster than the other 70 per cent and this will prevent anyone from complaining. Your chosen sired white pig should be included with these 30 per cent.
c.       From these 30 per cent, select one other to be promoted together with your sired chosen white pig above the rest of these 30 per cent.
d.      Finally, move this other white pig who was promoted together your chosen sired white pig to a GLC (such as the public utilities board of Animal Farm) and, your chosen sired white pig will be the head of the entire Animal Farm Armed Forces. Remember, power is behind the barrel of the gun.

e.      Succession Method for Animal Farm Dynasty

Once the above has been accomplished, you can then make an announcement to all the animals in the farm that selected accomplished people from private enterprise and government have been identified and persuaded to serve the country in the next elections. Put about 15 to 25 selected chosen white pigs together with your chosen sired white pig. Nobody can complain amongst the animals.

By the way, as far as elections in Animal Farm is concerned, the operations rules are listed in a separate manual. (see Operational Manuals for Elections in Animal Farm).

Once the elections are over and the predicted and calculated results are over, identify from the 15 to 25 group of selected white pigs, about 4-8 who are “ministerial material”.

Make sure that your chosed sired white pig is amongst them and make some of them “Ministers of State” of Animal Farm.

Nobody can complain as it is a group and they are "talented people".

After some time, from this group of Ministers of State, you can promote 2 of them to FULL MINISTER of which one will be your chosen sired white pig.

If at any time there is a country crisis or other national problems, nudge your chosen temporary chair warmer (preferably made of wood and largely and incompetent)  to appoint your chosen sired white pig the head of a national committee comprising experts and other talented pigs and let them do the dirty work. Your chosen sired white pig will be projected in all Animal Farm mass media to be the glorified hero once the committee has done all the hard and dirty work and the country has emerged from the national problem “saved”.

From these 2 chosen to be FULL MINISTER, get your chair warmer white pig to glorify your chosen sired white pig all the time. Make it clear that there is no choice, your chosen sired white pig is JUST TOO GOOD and should be the next PIGGY leader of Animal Farm.

Once you follow this manual accurately, nobody can complain that you have practiced nepotism in Animal Farm and if they do, make sure you appoint only kangaroos in the courts of animal farm. Kangeroos have always be shown to be loyal to the master and will ensure that justice is done and seen to be done. The mass media in your control will assist of course.

Playing Good and Bad Guys
At all times, the supreme old Pig Leader should be the one to take all harsh and unpopular measures and reign the animals in line all the time. The supreme old Pig Leader is well regarded and can afford to be the BAD GUY.

The chosen sired white pig who is to carry the Pig Dynasty into the 2nd generation should always play the good guy and through this earn the “love” and good regards of the animals in the farm. Leave all the bad deeds to his assistants and the old father pig leader. The animals in the farm will be too stupid to see through this and so the Dynasty will succeed in the first instance.

Nothing else is more important.
At all times, there must be no freedom of the media and press allowed in Animal Farm so that the general public will continue to be force fed your lies and half truths. All foreign medias will be restricted and prosecuted or, made to pay defamation / libel huge punitive damages in Animal Farm's courts where necessary.
Any Pigs or Animals who do not abide by the OB markers of Animal Farm will be punished as appropriate severely to ensure with full compliance.

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